Monday, April 22, 2013

Ibu Kita Kartini

“Kami di sini memohon diusahakan pengajaran dan pendidikan anak perempuan, bukan sekali-kali karena kami menginginkan anak-anak perempuan itu menjadi saingan laki-laki dalam perjuangan hidupnya. Tapi karena kami yakin akan pengaruhnya yang besar sekali bagi kaum wanita, agar wanita lebih cakap melakukan kewajibannya, kewajiban yang diserahkan alam sendiri ke dalam tangannya: menjadi ibu, pendidik manusia yang pertama-tama."

Demikian sebagian kutipan kata-kata ibu kita Kartini di bukunya Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang.  Hayoo siapa yang tidak mengenal ibu Kartini?

Nama lengkapnya Raden Ajeng Kartini. Lahir di Jepara pada tanggal 21 April 1879. Anak seorang bangsawan yang setelah lulus SD gak diijinin ngelanjutin sekolah ke jenjang selanjutnya tapi malah dipingit buat dinikahin.
Buat menghilangkan kesedihan Kartini kecil banyak baca buku. Dan dari bukulah Kartini tertarik dengan kemajuan berpikir wanita Eropa. Timbul pikiran Kartini untuk memajukan wanita Indonesia. Wanita Indonesia juga layak mendapatkan pendidikan. Kartini mulai mengumpulkan teman-temannya untuk diajar tulis menulis dan ilmu pengetahuan lainnya. Ia juga menulis surat dengan sahabat-sahabatnya di Belanda. Dan kemudian menulis surat kepada J.H Abendanon memohon memberinya beasiswa untuk belajar di Belanda.
Beasiswa tersebut tidak sempat Kartini ambil karena harus menikah dengan Raden Adipati Joyodiningrat. Untungnya sang suami yang mengerti akan cita-cita Kartini. Ia juga mendukung Kartini mendirikan sekolah wanita yang ia namakan "Sekolah Kartini".
Beliau meninggal diusia yang sangat muda, 25 tahun pada tanggal 17 September 1904.

Ibu Kartini. Cantik yak :)

Gak kebayang kalo sampe sekarang cewe Indo gak bisa sekolah :O

Berarti mungkin gue hanya punya ijazah SD trus disuruh tinggal di rumah nunggu dijodohin lalu dinikahin ama cowo yang gak gue kenal. Trus beranak pinak, ngendon di rumah mulu ngurus keluarga dan dengan naas melihat anak perempuan gue juga bakalan bernasib sama ama emaknya. Dohhhhh.. gak kebayang :(

Kebayang gak sih betapa pesatnya peran cewe zaman sekarang. Cewe dah ada yang bawa pesawat, dokter, tentara, programmer, supir, bahkan presiden! Da gitu bebas-bebas aja milih cita-cita tanpa perlu takut only boys can do that :)

Thank you Ibu Kartini. Terima kasih juga buat orang-orang disekeliling beliau yang membantu sehingga saya bisa mengecap pendidikan dengan baik. Saya percaya seorang pahlawan tidak bekerja sendirian untuk menghasilkan karya bagi orang disekelilingnya. Akan selalu ada orang-orang yang menyertai langkah kita dan percaya dengan impian kita.
Ibu Kartini dan orangtuanya. Saya yakin saat orangtuanya menyediakan banyak buku dan koran di rumahnya serta saat ayahnya menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan Kartini, ini sangat membantu Kartini membangun impiannya dan berusaha mewujudkannya.
Ernita dan orangtuanya. Saat si bapak dan si mamah menyediakan banyak ensiklopedia, langganan BOBO, membantu soal cerita matematika buat si Ernita kecil serta merelakan putrinya sekolah jauh diluar pandangan mereka, ini juga sangat membantu Ernita merangkai mimpi :p

Ibu Kartini dan sahabat-sahabatnya. Kartini mungkin lebih banyak berkomunikasi dengan sahabatnya melalui surat. Namun persahabatan itulah yang membantu Kartini untuk membagi impian dan harapannya akan kemajuan wanita Indonesia.
Ernita dan sahabatnya. Persahabatan lah yang banyak membuka mata Ernita untuk merendahkan hati melihat betapa banyaknya orang yang jauh lebih pintar dan berbakat darinya. Dan mereka tidak merendahkannya melainkan mendukungnya bahkan mengajaknya merangkai mimpi lebih banyak lagi and fight for it :')

Ibu Kartini dan suaminya. Pasti sulit mengerti wanita zaman dulu yang sebenarnya kebanyakan pusing soal gizi anak kok tiba-tiba yang satu ini malah sibuk mikirin wanita lain. Apalagi buat pria yang baru nikah dan juga sekolah. Kalo picik mah pasti dibentak dah si Kartini nya bilang "Udah..ngapain ngurusin orang lain. Kamu pinter juga ujung-ujungnya di dapur. Kalo kamu pinter ntar kamu pake buat ngajarin anak kita aja deh". Mana mau die istrinya lebih pinter dari die.hehe.. Tapi gak begitu buat sang suami. Dia malah mendukung dan membantu Kartini mendirikan sekolah. Cool :)
Ernita dan ... ehm sayangnya gue belum nikah. Belom tau tar dia gimana :p Yah maunya yah gak jauh-jauhlah dari mas Raden. wakakakk.. tuh kan bahkan Ibu Kartini menginspirasi juga buat dapet jodoh ;p

Anyway, selamat hari Ibu Kartini. Mari berani bermimpi, berpengharapan dan berjuang seperti Kartini ^^

Perayaan Hari Kartini di sekolah. Guru pake baju tradisional. Im in Banjarmasin clothes! :)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Good Things About Aches

Yess.. its GOOD things not ANNOYING nor BAD things because of something happen on us or our beloved ones.
But why I said its good? Am I happy when Im sick? Or do I scream happily when my family get sick? Wo..wo..wo.. wait. Im not saying that :p
I hate to be sick and seeing others too :)

But before I tell you how good those aches, I want to share a little about 'hard lesson' that I've got since in the beginning of this year.

It started from my mom.
I got called from her about last February. She told me she felt sick when she wanted to *sorry* pee. I know this feeling, because last year I've been suffering for bladder infection. Anyone who knows this ache will know how painful the feeling. Yep..its my mistake who often delay my business in the bathroom. So I told my mom to drink a lot and should not delayed if she want to go to the toilet. She did.
But the pain became worst day after day especially when she felt something burning in her stomach. So she was taken to the bigger hospital near my hometown. At that hospital, the infection has totally healed but the burning feeling was still remind. Even the doctor didnt even know what to do anymore because all the test that was taken telling her body was already okay.
So, my mom was taken again to another city, to the biggest hospital. Same problem and same treatment there. All doctors said my mom was okay based from her test. Isnt that weird? We got stressed especially my mom. She even thought devil was behind those painful.
Im not saying Im not believe that there are evil in this world but because I believe our God is the One who control everything, I believe He wont let devil come along through her pain forever.
After several days in there mom was getting better and she finally back to our home and does her daily activities :)

But, cloud still remains..
Next days I got call from mom. She sounded panic. I knew something was not good. She told me my youngest sibling, my brother was hospitalized. He's actually live not far from me. We are in the same province but different district.
My brother's face was swell and his previous doctor suggested him to go to hospital because it might be kidney problem. Oh no.. what again!!!! It was not really a long time since my mom and then now my mom.
And after we brought him to the hospital, it was true its a problem with her kidney. It was neprotic syndrome. It made my brother's face like fighting with someone because it was swollen. It happened when water inside our body is not out properly.
And then again I watched my family was laying down in the hospital. I was stressed honestly especially when we wait for his albumin going back to normal.
After several days, he finally back to his place. Me and my little sister prepared his room and his stuff so he could cook by himself. Because he needs to pay more attention for his foods now. Seeing him last week even he gets thinner than before but so far is healthier made me relieve.

That's the end? Nope..
I got called this afternoon from my little sister. She said her back is hurt and even her left hand feel heavier than the other. She knows something not right and decided to go to hospital later. And then...

WHAT exactly happens to my family now????
Why aches are so easy come to us???
I kept asking that to myself. We used to be so fine. I mean some of us just getting cough and influenza but after that we are good. Why now?

And then I decide not to look up only from my side. Im trying *SO HARD* to see the good things from all of this situation. Here are what I saw:

This World is definitely Not Our Home
Not trying to be so holly here. But I know our real home has no aches at all and this world is just our school. After I graduated Im going home and so my beloved ones. So this HOME brought me hopes. Hoping that someday we will gather in our REAL home with no pain, no aches anymore.

I got this lesson in the hospital when I saw an old man passed away. He was supposed to be back for home that day because he was better. But when his family came to pick him up and prepared his welcoming home, his chest suddenly hurt and collapsed. And then he passed away. I was so shock because night before he was gone I saw him watching TV. I even know what program it was. He would be have no idea it was his last programmed he watched, right?
Im not saying Im ready to see my loved ones die. Just think about it Im trembling. Who would? Im ready to leave this world but honestly Im really not ready to say until we meet again to my loved ones?
So this thing reminds me to be more care for them now! Not later.

Being Healthy is Expensive but being Unhealthy is More *and more* Expensive
I realized this when I bought a human albumin liquid. Its soooooo expensive!!! Its only 100 mL and so easy to be vanished but need a lot of money. My brother need it until 7 bottles I guess. I counted his medicine, room and doctor bills, it was so hard for me to understand how God really Great to prepare all of that.
From every aches that my family felt Im more concerned about my own health right now. Especially I lost weight recently.
Maybe in the past I would shout horray for losing some weight but now I learn to be careful if something happen in my body including weight.. :p
I also try to cook by myself and release some ingredients such as fat, oil and salt. One thing that I still hard to do is exercise *wink* I dont like it. I want to lay on my bed as much as I can. But lately I can feel my body is so stiff and it reminds me again I SHOULD do some routine exercise! Ouch.. Who said this going to be easy????

More Alert for the Sound of My Cellphone
Why does my cellphone brought good things now? Well.. I used to be sooooo hate for being disturbed by phone sometimes. I liked to turn my cell off, didnt pick up the phone and didnt reply text. And the worst was I often left it in my bag or in my room so I didnt hear the sound and just saw it so many missed calls from my mom or unread text from my friends. If they asked me where was I going or what happened I just laugh and said sorry. So bad right? :(
But now.. I activate 2 of my cellphones all day and all night! Now, Im so care for the sound whether its calling or text.
Its because Im far from my family. My parents, my sisters and brothers are spreading around. So we can easily keep in touch just by phone. Now I know how worry my mom when I was not picking up her phone when I called her and she was in the kitchen. I got worried so easy right now but I know it makes me more care for them and calling them regularly. Im so regret for what I've done before.

Now, can you see why I said those aches bring good things and changes to me? Im not saying Im not scared. I am!! But this fear never bring good things. All I can do is praying. Someone said to me its not enough to face aches. But I dont know, just by praying I get strength and stand up and ready to fight my worries. Great doctors, good nurses, best hospital, medicines, healthy foods, good treatments and finally heal are definitely grace. And Im really thankful for that. That's why, I also learn to be more and more thankful. Its hard to believe, even in the worst situation there is always... there is always something that I can thankful with...

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Someone said...

" If you have good friends no matter how life is sucking, they can make you laugh "

Sometimes I believe that, but sometimes honestly I dont.
Its really sad when knowing your good friend is not good enough for being your friend...

I realized that when I was down. The world turned their back on me and so they were. I run to them and told them everything but they just saw me and stared at me as a pitiful person. One said, "Well.. I dont know about that", that's all and the other one didnt even want to know.

I cried a lot that day and woke up in the morning with new thoughts...

I realized they just my friends not my good friends...

Im not pretending so easy to say how easy to forgive and forget especially to someone that you love. Im really have a hard time to do that. Im still trying to let everything goes like we used to be.

Good thing is at that bad situation I could see another friend. Good friends are still exist!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Meet Feiming!

Hello.. its been awhile since I didnt write here. Kinda busy and lots of thought lately :p

This time I want you to meet one of my students. Feiming :)

Actually she is my former student in the playgroup last year. Now, we're in Kindergarten A level but in different class.

What makes me want to write about her in my blog? Well.. I want to write about all of my little babies one by one here :D Cause this is my blog, this is my corner where I can share about pieces of my life including my job *wink*

And I guess she's one of them... :)

Just like other children, Feiming is a special kid.
She loves to smile. She can easily to laugh. Sometimes she fights with her friends but sometimes she treats them nicely. She likes to talk and understand what Im saying so well. She is a good listener especially when she sits beside me. She doesn't picky for foods and tough enough when she's been hurt.

Im not her class teacher anymore and we cant meet as often as before, but when we meet she will shout my name loudly and give her big smile. Im so familiar with her calling especially the sound of 'R' from my name, so its like "Ms ERRRRRRRniiiiii" and then I will shout back "Feimingggggg". Lol :)

But the best moment with her is everyday at school when we meet, she will spread her arms and asking for hug. I realized she didnt like to be kissed so I prefer give her a hug better. This is become our habit when we met.

One day we met in front of her class. I wanted to go to the  at the time *I should pass her class everytime I want to go to the bathroom* As usual she called my name and I smiled back to her and went to the bathroom directly. After I washed my hands I wanted to go back to my class and I saw her waiting for me still in front of her class. Calling my name and when I said she should be on her class at the time. She said unexpectedly,

"But you dont hug me yet"

Im speechless. And feel so touch. How come little thing like my hug is so important for her? After I hug her and said her to be good, she run to her class. I was thinking a lot that day and learned about little thing that we give to others can be meaningful for them.

Now, she's not the only one who's asking for hug. I want a hug too :) When I call her, she will run towards me, smiling and give her big smile. Maybe its just little thing but for me, its meaningful and Im thankful..

Thats Feiming :)