Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Happy Birthday, Daddy :)

Thank you for being my father
Thank you for our deep conversation about life
Thank you for your advices. I know I cut your words sometimes and even disagree for some words you've said but usually in the end I know you are the right one ;p
Thank you for your helping especially on my emergency status
Thank you for you for your call
Thank you for your concerns
Thank you for your anger
Thank you for your disappointment on my choice but still believe in me when I said I have to do it
Thank you for your trust
Thank you for jokes
Thank you for your understanding about the way Im thinking
Thank you for being here and there in my important event of my life. Next.. I still hope you can see how good I am with your future son-in-law..haha :D
Thank you for all your difficulties in the past. I know you've been through a lot even you wont tell it all
Thank you for being alive and call me your daughter
I know I still dont give you anything worthy but still you love me the same..
Thank you... :')


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