Thursday, June 30, 2016


so.. here I am...
Today Im finally 30 y.o everyone :)

What's the difference between when I was 10? Or 20?? Its totally different!

Like what??? Im 30?
Cant believe it. How time flies. How many days passed. Im wondering how will my 40th later. wkwk.. But please dont be too fast. Please.

You've been thru alot, right?
Especially lately. A very very dramatic decision in your life. You could be stay in there. Live comfortably. But you know that you'd be haunted for the rest of your life by your missing dream from a long long time ago.

that its why if you feel so lonely
Please remember how this things will turn into something later. It might be bring tears. It might be not like what you want.

But you know what. You have proven by yourself. That you can challenge yourself. That you can go out of the box. That you wont be feel ashamed to that little girl who chased you day after day.

That little girl must be proud of you by the way...

Because you know what.. that little girl is you... :)

Happiest birthday to you Nit ^^

perfect for ur bday Nit.. Gerberra and the blue sky :)

Friday, June 17, 2016

Finally Goodbye

So... after I counted day by day, finally the day has came.

I remember how amazed I was when I stepped my foot that day. Such a huge school. I saw students everywhere with their checkered uniform. I always wanted to study on that kind of school, and that day I had a chance to be a part of them.

Good thing came and I got accepted. Yeay..

I was so happy. Everyday filled with energy and I always talked about my students to everyone whom I knew. Sometimes I even dreamed about them. i was really proud.

Time flies and the day I was felt that I should out of my comfort zone hit me. So many feeling appeared and I got worried. But heart couldnt lie.
Time to choose and I made mine.

Today is finally goodbye..

I was on my way to school and I looked up the sky through the window and I felt so sad. I thought I could be really cool and tough enough to leave it all behind. But in fact I feel so sad.

Dont get me wrong. Im still relieved that finally I made my choice even though its risky. I just feel so sad when I remember everything behind.

But.. as I walked through the same path, same door, same floor and met familiar people... I decided to take it all to memory and recall it everywhere I go.

Last but not least, thank you. Thank you for making me to be like me now...
I'll treasure every moment with all of you... :)