Thursday, October 16, 2014

happy itu

saat seseorang yang tiap ketemu selalu senyum, menyapa dan ngajak ngobrol singkat tiba-tiba menyodorkan payung kecil dan bilang buat ms. Erni soalnya ini dah musim hujan. Fyi, she's not my close friend or my family. She's just my former student's parents about 2 years ago.

saat murid aku yang masih sangat membutuhkan pendampingan di tiap aktivitas kelas tiba-tiba tadi pas kelas dancing, menari dengan lincah dan hampir mengikuti gerakan dengan sangat baik. Im speechless.. the moment I always thought I might be gave up, I found I WILL NOT give up for you kiddo :)

saat orang biasanya jutek luar biasa belakangan sudah mulai senyum dan ketawa waktu diajak ngobrol. Ahh.. human with their heart. I learn even a stoned heart can be softer than I can imagine :p

saat murid aku yang lain yang biasanya diam gak mau bermain dengan teman-temannya di lantai dengan alasan geuleuh alias jorok *padahal lantai kelas kinclong luar biasa* tiba-tiba pas aku bilang 'ayo main' dia langsung mengangguk dan duduk bersama teman-temannya di lantai dan bermain. Ahh.. this brought me into teary eyes. Because I know she was so persistent about clean and clear stuff. Back to heart again..

I always thought happy is something that amazing, cetar membahana wauw wauw or maybe something magical. But today I learn a lot that something so simple could bring you into tears because happiness.

bahagia itu sederhana :)

Friday, August 29, 2014

Happy Things

Just found a cute song just now. Its called 'Happy Things' by J Rabbit.

It sounds so bright and made me happy.. :)

even the lyrics are so cute. Here are the translations :)

When the round sun rises the first

I do is to think happy thoughts...
One, two, three get up from the bed
give a great big yawn like a hippo...
Open both eyes nice and big
stretch out ...
Enjoy the happy imaginations
Don't forget happy happy things.

In the morning with a refreshing breeze
when I'm chilling out...
When I look even better than usual
and everyhing I put on seems to be even prettier
When I walk listening to your favorite music
when I get to the bus on time...
When the rush hour is especially bad
but the guy in front of me gets up
When everything works out as expected
from now I set my own expectations
When I eat something very tasty
Oh my! Didn't even push but easy trip to the bathroom
Oh! When I leave on bonus vacation
Along with him, my love...
Just imagining this makes me feel so happy
Don't forget! Happy happy things.

When I see my friends for the first time in a while
When I just feel so good and I dance! my! ass! off!
When my brain just seems to work well
You don't say! I didn't even study but got a hundred
Oh! When you miss that someone
When you understand my feelings
Just imagining this will make you happy
Happy, happy things-

Something that anyone can do
if you want a happy life
Just imagining this will make you happy
Don't forget! Happy happy things.

what kind of happy things you have for today?

well.. things are not always go in our way but hey.. when you stop for awhile and see things around, you can find a little..hopefully some happy things :)

Thursday, August 28, 2014


a broken branch

a falling leaf

a night after a daylight

a minute which can not be returned

a cry behind the laughter

raindrops in the summer

ache between prosperity

a death and a birth

and how life can be so fragile...

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Most Lonely of Starry Nights

Do you still remember?
That summer
That most splendid
Most lonely of starry nights

-starry starry night

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

When I Wrote A Poem

So, one day I wrote this...

Okay.. what was I thinking back then?? haha..

Too much korean movies I guess :p

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Its easier to stay in the same place

In a place called comfort zone

with the usual things

with the common people

and when its time to change...

things get harder

that place looks so cold

all around filled with unknown people

Wisdom words said its good so we can upgrade our level in our life

but still things get blurry lately

can not see the light yet

can not figure out what is the story behind this yet

Monday, July 14, 2014

Look Closer

"look close, see beauty
look closer, see love
thus as you are" 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Behind That Smiling Face

Im trying to hide my pain
and I choose to scream in my heart for the unfair things I've already seen
I laugh but I know something is broken deep down
I keep asking why
but it seems like I already know the answer

I remember someone said,
'smiling doesnt always mean Im okay, but I try to be okay'

That's true. Cause I try really hard to be okay right now...

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Untukmu Indonesia

Ada yang beda dari aku yang biasanya beberapa bulan terakhir ini. Something different that brings me for today. Tinta ungu di jari kelingking tangan kiri adalah bukti perubahan itu.

Yep.. Im talking about Presidential Election in Indonesia which held today :)

Bertahun-tahun yang lalu semenjak aku dah punya kartu sakti yang namanya KTP, namaku dah terdaftar sebagai Pemilih Tetap di kota asalku tiap kali yang namanya Pemilihan Umum (Pemilu) berlangsung. Dari pemilihan bupati lah, gubernur lah, anggota legislatif lah sampai presiden dan wakil presiden.

Pertama kali memilih itu waktu aku umur 18 tahun. Seingat aku pemilihan anggota legislatif. Namanya masih bau kencur gak pedulian tuh siapa orangnya. Beberapa orang terdekat nganjurin aku milih si A, ada juga yang bilang si B aja trus si C, dll. Tapi satu pun dari mereka gak ada yang aku kenal.

Tiba di bilik. Liat nama mereka, liat partainya trus liat mukanya. Well.. aku ingat aku lagi suka sama satu partai jaman itu dulu. Trus liat namanya dan nebak-nebak mana yang paling baik. Intinya akhirnya aku ngeliat nama dan marganya juga. Bodo amat lah. Namanya juga masih newbie. Seperti itu kira-kira pikiran aku.

Masuk tahun-tahun berikutnya pas aku dah kuliah keluar kota ada lagi beberapa pemilihan. Tapi kebanyakan aku gak ikut dengan alasan kuliah. Males banget pulang sehari doang demi memilih orang-orang yang gak aku kenal.

Lama kelamaan yang namanya Pemilu itu buat aku hanya hari libur doang. Gak penting ngurusin wakil-wakil yang nampang wae foto-fotonya dimana-mana. Bikin eneg. Pokoknya pemilu itu artinya asikk libur brarti gue bisa bangun siang atau jjs ama temen-temen :p

Itu dulu. Namun, diawal April lalu saya mulai tertarik melihat pergolakan politik di Indonesia. Dulunya yang namanya politik itu sangat membosankan buat aku. Pengen muntah liat berita yang menunjukkan beberapa politikus. Kok kayaknya gak ada yang bener. Kok janjinya janji palsu. Kok gak memberi contoh. Kok mukanya keliatan baik banget ternyata bejat. Kok wakil rakyat tapi sama sekali gak mewakili rakyat.

Demikianlah beberapa pikiran-pikiranku sampai ke titik 'sebodo amatlah'. Nonton berita ngeliat berita tentang masyarakat aja. Kalo da menjurus ke arah petinggi-petinggi langsung ganti ke kartun atau nonton DVD drama Korea aja. hehe..

Kembali lagi ke April tahun ini. Pemilihan legislatif tahun ini sempat membuatku berniat untuk ikut. Tapi lagi-lagi karna ketidakmautauan calon-calon wakil rakyat itu aku memutuskan putih saja. Bedanya aku mengikuti hasilnya. Melihat quick count partai mana yang memperoleh suara terbanyak.

Setelah hasil finalnya diumumkan, aku kembali mengikuti kira-kira siapa calon-calon yang akan dicalonkan sebagai RI 1 dan RI 2. Mulailah terlihat siapa dengan siapa yang berkoalisi dan menancapkan cakar mereka. Dan akhirnya di awal Juni kemarin aku mulai tertarik dengan salah satu tokoh. Aku yang biasanya buka internet untuk sosial media atau nyari bahan buat kerjaan tiba-tiba mulai baca-baca artikel tentang beliau dan pendapat-pendapat orang-orang lain yang menuangkan pikirannya lewat blog tentang si orang itu.

Ingatanku kembali teringat ke kota kecil di awal tahun 2011 lalu saat aku mengunjungi kota yang menjadi saksi hasil kerja keras orang itu. Aku memang gak sampai sehari berada disana but I was impressed.

Aku tau aku udah menjatuhkan pilihan saat itu. Pilihan yang bener-bener murni dari pencarian dan keinginan untuk mengenal sosok orang itu meski lewat tulisan-tulisan dan status-satus sahabat-sahabat di sosial media.

Untuk pertama kalinya aku excited menyambut pemilu hari ini. Jauh-jauh hari aku meminta tolong Bapak untuk mengurus formulir A5 sebagai bukti aku menggunakan hak pilih di tempat aku sekarang. Akhirnya minggu lalu saat aku di Jogja diberitahu surat A5 sudah sampai. Aku pulang dari Jogja hari Sabtu pukul 6 sore. Aku tau mengurus form A5 ke kelurahan sebagai pemilih tambahan paling lambat 3 hari sebelum Pemilu. Itu artinya Minggu. Aku tinggal punya satu hari lagi.

Keesokan harinya aku berangkat ke kantor kelurahan dekat rumah. Nanya ke tetangga lalu nanya ke satpam komplek dan pad akhirnya nemu. Pintu kelurahan masih ditutup. Aku liat jam sudah hampir jam 9. Ckkckk.. speechless. Aku nanya ke orang dekat kelurahan dan bilang kantor baru buka jam 11. Akhirnya aku memutuskan ke tempat teman dulu sambil menunggu. Lalu kira-kira jam 12.30 saya kembali kesana dengan cuaca yang ampunnn panasnya. Macet lagi. Tapi bela-belain. Sampai di kantor kelurahan aku dirujuk ke kantor PPS (Panitia Pemungutan Suara). Aku menyerahkan form A5 lalu petugasnya minta fotocopy form A5 dan KTP. Dienggg.. aku belum fotocopy form A5 nya. Lalu pergilah aku keluar kantor dan nyari tukang fotocopy yang semuanya tutup berhubung hari Minggu. Aku ingat di daerah kampus kotaku pasti tukang fotocopian banyak yang buka.

Lalu aku naik angkot dan berhenti di daerah kampus tersebut dan fotocopy beberapa lembar A5 dan KTP untuk jaga-jaga. Naik angkot lagi kembali ke kantor kelurahan. Bersimbah keringat aku menyerahkan apa yang diminta. Lalu petugasnya menanyakan beberapa hal dan akhirnya menuliskan nomor tempat TPS aku.

Dan sampailah pagi tadi aku brangkat jam 11 nanya-nanya ke TPS terdekat dengan rumah yang bukan TPS ku. Petugas memberitahu lokasi TPS ku yang masuk gang dan melewati kuburan. Hihi.. Sampai disana disapa dengan muka jutek sama seorang ibu. Entah kenapa biarpun dijutekin aku tetap senyummm. Gak aku banget. Aku mah kalo dijutekin pasti balik ngejutekin. Yeiy..situ siapa?? Tapi hari ini beda. Aku tetap sabar meskipun pas dicek namaku ternyata gak ada didaftarnya. Si ibu bilang 'ntar aja ya jam 12 datang kesini'.

Aku liat jam. Satu jam lagi. Males banget nunggu dirumah. Aku memutuskan duduk di kursi tunggu. Kayaknya si ibunya terkejut melihat aku duduk dengan manis sambil ngeliatin mereka semua. Biasanya dalam situasi seperti itu aku akan bengong mikir ngelantur kemana-mana atau main HP. Tapi waktu itu aku duduk manis ngeliat petugas-petugasnya yang selalu pake bahasa Sunda.

Mungkin karna udah sepi kali ya, si ibunya trus manggil lalu bilang ke seorang bapak yang ternyata Ketua TPS nya buat nulis nama aku didaftar pemilih tambahan. Sambil melihat form A5 dan nanya tempat lahir, tanggal lahir, dst. Lalu aku disuruh nunggu. Beberapa menit kemudian namaku dipanggil. Kertas calon diserahkan. Masuk bilik dan buka kertasnya. Gak ngeliat sesuatu yang curang di kertas aku mencoblos nomor yang selama ini sudah ada di benakku.
Lalu keluar dan memasukkan kertas suara dan mencelupkan jari kelingking sebagai bukti aku sudah memberikan hak suara.

Lega? Jelas. Seneng? Pasti. Aku tau aku hanya pribadi yang amat kecil di negeri ini. Aku tau aku gak punya modal besar untuk membangun negeri ini. Yang aku punya hanya doa. Pengharapan.. Untukmu Indonesiaku :)

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

My New Project

Okay.. project sounds so serious :p
Let's call it hobby then or in Bahasa I call it 'iseng-iseng' :)

This project or hobby is gardening. Hehe.. Gardening also sounds so serious but yeah whatever. This is actually so-not-me. When I lived in my hometown my mom filled our garden with so many plants including flowers, trees, veggies and even herbs. My sister also loves flowers, she planted some orchids at the time. My mom and my sister spent so many their times with their plants which was I didnt get it at all. I dont hate plants I just dont understand why they liked to spend their time just to be near them.

About last month I saw sunflower in a movie and it was totally amazed me. haha.. this is not my first time actually but I dont know one thing that came in my mind was I want to have those in front of my room :p

I remembered there are some empty ground in front of my room. I imagined it would be so beautiful if its filled with sunflowers. And then I searched some store in my town and nothing. I visited Ace Hardware and also nothing. Some of my friends suggested me to go to Lembang, a village in my town known for the various plants. I promised I will go to that village later but because so many things to prepare for Student Progress Report, I suddenly forgot.

I was too busy to get the seeds and then holiday came I went to Jogjakarta and then here I am enjoying 2 more days off and remember about that sunflowers. Lembang is far from my place so I decided to go there later *again:p*

But then I remembered I got 2 seed papers from my penpal in Korea.

My Korean friend gave me this seed long time ago. So this must be a miracle if these seeds grow. Im too lazy to plant these back then :( *sorry Juhee :(*
But I made my promise I will make this into my new project ups hobby, right?

For you who doesnt familiar with this seed paper, its a type of handmade paper that includes several plant seeds. The seeds themselves can still germinate after the paper making process and they can sprout when the paper is planted in the soil. Cool, huh? If you want to know more about planting seed paper you can find here

So, I prepare 2 little cups and soil. And then I put them peacefully :)

And then I cover them with the soil again.

Because I dont know yet what kind of plants of these I decided to name them. The paper shaped like a bird named 'Jane'. And the other one shaped like leaf named 'John'. Haha..

I wish you could grow healthily guys. I promise I'll take care of you from now on :)

It needs some weeks to see these seeds into sprouts. But its okay, I'll take my time to watch you guys. Wish me luck ^___^

Monday, July 07, 2014

Holiday in Jogja

Yep.. Its holiday. Time to release stress and all burdensome. Time to go out from Bandung :)

So, me and my friends on the first of July took a train to Jogjakarta :) Actually this is the third time I come to this city, in 2010, about 2 months ago and here I am again visiting this city again. I dont know why I do like this city that much. Maybe because I always find something new in there.

Anyway, we were supposed to go at 5.20 am that day but our train had some problem and made our schedule was delayed. So our train was finally off at 8.30. It was annoying of course but we'd prefer to delay our schedule rather than having any problems in the middle of our way.

It took about 8 hours to arrive and we were so tired but excited :)

Finally on 5.00 pm we arrived and directly went to our housing. We put our stuff there and went near our housing to search for our dinner. We lived near Malioboro street and looked much quieter than last 2 months I've been there. Maybe because it was on vasting month for Moslem so people prefer to spend their holiday at the end this month after vasting will end.

After we ate we back to our housing and got some rest to start our journey next morning.

And so, in the morning we woke up early. We had some plans to visit some spots which are the main destination in Jogja such as Keraton Jogjakarta (royal of Jogjakarta), Taman Sari (Water Castle), Benteng Vredeburg (fort) and Pasar Beringharjo (tradional market) and Taman Pintar (place for science which is so fun especially for kids) .

I have visited all of these places before and I can see the difference especially when we came to Benteng Vredeburg. That place was much comfortable, cleaner and techno.
found this old typing machine which produced 'Sinar Matahari' newspaper long time ago

each figures represent history

What I like also in this city that there is no public transportation except Transjogja (bus), delman (a carriage and horse) and pedicab. Because we want to explore the city, we chose to go by foot that day. And after our journey has finally ended that day we were so exhausted. Before we slept we pasted patch or rubbing c**nterpain gel on our legs. Our room also smell with cajuput oil because the air was windy.

Next morning we went to temple. Maybe because we were too exhausted we only visited Borobudur Temple at the time. Because I've also visited this temple twice I didnt go inside the temple. Me and two of my friends who also visited the temple before chose to sit outside the temple and some of my friends who hasnt seen the temple yet went to explore. While were waiting of our friends we sit under the tree and enjoying our time to see people around. Most of them were tourists. It was great to see how they spoke with different language and act.

After visiting that temple we were back to our housing. One of our friends didnt feel unwell so she decided to sleep. While the others also chose to stay in their room to take a rest. Actually I didnt really exhausted that day and decided to go outside with one of my friend. We planned to go to Beringharjo but later on we decided to watch movie in XXI cinema. Haha.. yes this is ridiculous. We can watch movie in Bandung so why did we go there just to watch movie? Well.. with the reason want to try XII cinema in Jogja we went by Transjogja. We heard that cinema is the special building to watch movie unlike in Bandung that we enter mall or plaza to go to XXI.

So we reached the cinema and saw an announcement in front of the building 'Transformers ticket movie has been sold'. Fiuhh thank God I already watched that movie before. I even watched in 3D :). I saw every theater in that building there is no 3D theater yet and saw a long line to book ticket for that movie. Ckkckk.. And so we decided to watch horror movie 'Deliver Us From Evil" :p

And then we went to our housing and get some rest to prepare ourselves for our next journey.

And then we go to Gunung Kidul. And found beautiful beach. So breathtaking :)

Welcome to Watulawang Beach :)

ahh..this is what I call holiday..sand, sea, sun and sky..
btw we purposefully looked for a quiet beach and voila it seemed we own this beach :p

And then we went to next destination. Ratu Boko temple. Actually we had no plan to go to this temple but our guide suggested and I was so happy :) This temple looked so nice and warm. Best time to visit is sunset. Yep.. I knew now why sunset looked so beautiful in there :)

We really excited that day. Cant believe that day would be the last day because we have to go back to Bandung next morning. So we wont spent our night in vain. We went to alun-alun Keraton (wide park near the royal of Jogjakarta). There were so many beautiful bycycle there.

And so we ended our journey then and went to our housing again to take a rest. We catch our train in the next morning at 8.30 am. Bye for now Jogja..Matur nuwun..thank you for the wonderful journey :)

Monday, June 30, 2014

What Is So Great About Celebrating Birthday?

This question was bugging me about last night when I got phone call from my mom. As usual mom asked me how am I doing and then she reminded me about my birthday.

Oh yes, birthday.

Thing that I dont really care year after year.

I realized the more I grow, the more I dont like thing like age. Especially after I've been working and people around me keep asking me about marriage. Its so annoying :(

I remembered when I was a kid the happiest moment in my life was celebrating birthday. My birthday is on June and June is known for holiday after the end of semester. That is why if my progress report was good I got double happiness on my special day. But if it was not, who cares :p, my family were also really nice because it was *once again* my special day. There was no big party. My mom cooked my fave food and there was cake too. Thats all. Simple but meaningful.

As I grew as an university student, I still sometimes got my cake and cooked by mom. But when I was working Im far from hometown. So there was no cake anymore. I celebrated my day just with my siblings or my friends. There was also no party because I dont like surprise or party thing :)

And not so different from years before. Today I just woke up from phone call from my parents. They are always number one who congratulate me year after year :) And then several messages from my friends.

What is so great about celebrating birthday?

This question is still bugging me...

Well.. I just know I still have some people who love me and wishing me on my bithday. Thank you :)

happy birtday, Ernita :)

Friday, June 27, 2014

There is a time

there is a time when sunshine feels not warm as before

there is a time when cloud looks not beautiful as before

there is a time when tears flow so easily

there is a time when love sounds so stupid

there is a time when light is not better than darkness

there is a time when question needs answer immediately

there is a time when unfairly things are so usual

there is a time when hope seems so useless


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Have Faith in Him

This was exactly someone's words for me today. I wrote yesterday about my disappointment towards someone and honestly I insist to hate that person. Didnt want to forget and forgive.
So I did my daily activities this morning and met someone whom I think again the only person who really lives as God's servant. She is an old woman. She reminds me for my late grandma. Always smiling every time she sees me. That is why I really like to meet her and always try to give my best smile.

I greet her and she asked how I am doing. And I said Im fine. I tried to look okay but she knew something deep in my heart I have problem. I asked how does she know? She said she can see from my eyes.

Truly, eyes can not lie...

She didnt ask what happens but she just said "Have faith in Him"

Faith. This is something that I didnt think when I see that person who broke my heart.

She later said, if I always keep that burdensome in my heart I wont be free. Just ask and trust Him.

I nodded when I heard all her words. I knew she was right.

I have to forgive that person so I can let myself free from this burdensome. Sometimes I thought there is no difference between a fool than a forgiver. But I learn that faith is making the difference from someone who is already broken but rather than making a bigger revenge but decide to forgive and forget. Well this not easy eventually. Need process.

And I need that process. I hope I can do that and let go all this bitter things and set myself free :)

*picture is taken from here

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Hurtful Words

I remember someone said "words are sharper than knife"
Kata-kata itu bisa setajam pisau.

Beberapa orang bilang juga aku terlalu serius nanggepin becandaan. Kadang gampang pisan percaya omongan orang. Well.. I trust my best friends. Jadi kadang mereka kalo becandaan aku biasanya melongo percaya trus diketawain karna nanggepin terlalu serius.

Mama juga bilang aku mbok ya berbasa-basi dikit gitu biar gak gampang sebel ma orang yang suka becandaan sama aku yang aku anggap sama sekali gak lucu.

Honestly, Its hard. I can not become someone who is so easily to laugh for every jokes. Mungkin kalo temen akrab aku masih bisa ketawa atau balas becanda. Tapi kalo orangnya gak deket-deket amat tapi tiba-tiba nge jokes yang bikin aku sakit hati nahh itu yang jadi masalah.

Please watch your words!!!

Im not robot :(

Ceritanya lusa kemarin (dan hari-hari sebelumnya) seseorang yang memiliki otoritas lebih tinggi dari aku mengadakan pertemuan. I didnt know why everything I did, she always commented with her cynical words. At first, I *try to*laugh and said to myself 'calm down'.
Tapi makin lama kata-katanya makin menjadi-jadi dan makin mengarah kayak nyari-nyari kesalahan aku.
Okay, you can tell Im just too sensitive. Aku ngaku aku emang orangnya sensi tapi bukan untuk kejadian saat itu.
I knew something was wrong

For some moment, I really really want to cry at the time. But I couldnt. I was looking for my best friend but I realized that she was already resign. World seems so cruel for me that day T.T

I remember that person always told us that she likes to joke and she feels sorry if her words are hurtful for us. She asks us to accept her character *as a humorous person* just the way she is.

But why do I have to accept all her jokes if I dont feel comfortable about it? Why people is so easy to ask others to accept their character but doesnt care about others' feeling whether its nice or hurtful? Dan gampang banget bilang maaf tapi gak mau berubah. Becanda wae trus bikin sakit hati and then just say sorry :(

You might be think it doesnt matter at all because your just-the-way-you-are character and your apologize, but the truth is someone cried and felt so lonely that day.

Anyway, mudah banget bilang 'aku mengasihi sesamaku manusia', kenyataannya 'aku mengasihi sesamaku manusia yang juga mengasihiku'. Because I realise its easier to curse rather than to pray that person. Now everytime I see that person I feel bitter and hatred.

Dan aku tau ini salah. Jauh di lubuk hati yang terdalam aku gak boleh membenci orang ini.

Sayangnya, hingga saat ini aku masih kecewa. Terlalu kecewa...