Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Finding My Lost Quote

Since I was in the middle school I was so into with quotes. If I read any books *Chicken Soup, Teen Ink, Seven Habit, Purpose of Driven Life, etc.* with touching words I wrote it in my special notes. I really liked to collect small notes and wrote powerful words in there.

Once in awhile, I'll read it and became like a reminder life-is-hard-but-u-can-thru-this thing. Lol

After I grow and grow older *oops* I realized I didnt really like to write any words that I read, saw or heard anymore. I'll let it go just like that. Sometimes I found nice words that make my heart flutters *wink* but I just kept it in my mind.

And tragically now if I heard some of quotes sometimes my heart says boo or jeez or bulls**t :(

I guess older makes me more pathetic :(

Until I found an account in Instagram named @powerofspeech

All the words and pics are so beautiful :) Sometimes hit me right in my heart *wink*. Every morning usually I read the words and Im not trying to be exaggerated, it makes me stronger :))

Here is my fave quote :
have you lost yourself
and wonder where you are
looking for your light
searching among each star

Are you seeking your worth
In the people that you know
Hoping to feel their love
Needing it so you can grow

But when the support turns dry
And their approval runs out
Do you see yourself as less
Consumed by thoughts of doubt

The journey to find yourself
always begins within,
Thats where your true worth is
And where its always been

So practice self-love each day
Be patient and accept
That you're good enough
And are worthy of respect

Its you who matters most
The beliefs in your mind and heart
Honor yourself in that space
Its the very first place to start
Pretty cool right? I read this quote when I feel so lost and find a little bit of strength :) Just a little bit but still gave impact.

You.. yes you! Feel so lost? Find strength in every where around you. Sometimes a little quote from someone that you dont know  at all could be some strength :) Fighting!!!!


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