Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Deep Deep Sigh

Have you ever did something together with a person who's totally different from you? I have ("~")

Well.. right now Im in the situation where I should take a really deep sigh about our differences. Actually Im not a freak neat person, but I truly hate to see something mess. My hands are itchy to tidy up anything that can look so mess on my eyes.
I once heard that to keep your memory good, the simple you can do is returning things to the place where you took it before.
And when I see, some things that should not be on my table, I will take it back to the original place even Im not the one who take those things. At first I didnt say anything even to myself. Just make it as tidy as I could do.

But lately, Im angry to myself because how can there is a person who can not even see the way I did and the next day and the next day still didnt even realize she needs to tidy up by herself.

When  I thought about this, I wanted to tell directly but I dont know I'd prefer to shut my mouth right now.

Just take a deep deep sigh...

Why does its so hard to tell something honestly that its supposed to be good for other people???


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