Monday, October 01, 2012


When I woke this up morning, I prayed to God for giving me patience. I knew its monday, and usually after weekend holiday has ended Im quite moody *sigh*.
And then, I did my work and met my students happily. They are soooo cute and lovable :)

I understand they are still in their golden age and their behavior right now is sometimes sooo annoying. Really love to talk when they should listen, suddenly in silent mode when its time to answer, picky on foods, fighting with each other and trying anything dangerous things like doing wrestling *they thought its funny and entertaining but I truly hate it >.<*

Anyway, on 9 am, we were heading to the second floor. They will join jolly phonics class *its a method to teach kids about english by the sound of letter. Pretty good :)*. We use stairs and I always tell them to be careful by walking one by one and DO NOT EVER push or pull your friend in there. After I reached the second floor, ready to wait them in front of the room, I saw one of my student pushed his friend. Thank God, he's okay. I suddenly lost my temper and asked him angrily why he pushed his friend. He didnt say anything because he's too scared with me *Im so scared when I get angry :P*.

After my long words, I asked him to asked apologize to his friend and made him promise to be not behaved like that anymore.

Im so afraid with accidents which might be happened to them . I really love my students and I dont want them to be hurt. That's why I was really angry when they did something harmful like that. Maybe they dont really understand why their teacher became so awful with that. They thought it was just a joke and honestly I believe they didnt have any intentions to hurt their friends. They are just kids after all.

But I guess thats my job. To protect them even I lost my gentle sounds sometimes...

When I act like that, I realized how God teach me so. There are so many times He gets angry with my inappropriate act. Doesnt mean He hates me and want me to be hurt, but He truly loves me and trying to teach me.

Well.. God, Im wondering how good You are to be A Teacher with lots of students in this world. I have 21 students and my head is so dizzy sometimes when I have to face their different characters. No wonder, You are A God :D

Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and the other day, let me be a teacher like the way You teach me :)


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