Thursday, October 04, 2012

Pictures That I Want To Take If I Had a BF!!!

I dont know... maybe its because its the beginning of rainy season *Im gloomy everytime when its raining* or maybe recently I saw my friend's pictures on her facebook with her husband and her daughter *wink :P*
I suddenly want a couple pictures too!!! Hahaha :D

I laugh out loud to myself for this feeling. I mean, its so surprising when I usually hate to see lovey dovey pictures on my timeline. Oh pleaseeee..just keep those pics on your own. Why you should show everyone all of your love life. No need to see that thank you "~"..

But my friend's picture makes me think. Oh so sweet.. they're actually been in love just by seeing in their eyes *^_^*

And my imagination with Mr. Who is starting...

So, here are the pictures that I want to take if I had a bf ;P

Holding hands with the beach as the background. And I would love to see that in black and white. Dont ask me why please. I just love it.. :) You can find the image here

And how about this?

This is one of my fave too... I would love to take pic with our shoes. And sneaker must be my fave ;p. See the image here

Im a korean movie/drama lover. And I admit it, they are really good in making promotional poster. Here is one of my fave

Library is also my fave background. And this couple perfectly fit in my imagination :P

And maybe when we fight and keep a distance for each other. Im sure this pic is suitable for us. No matter how mess our akai ito, we still connected. Hahaha :D

And even in the silence, with him... everything would be perfect :)

And finally.. facing the camera and made a lovey dovey pose ..hahaha :D

Many thanks for these dramas and movies which can make me daydreaming so far.
As I searched the nearly image for my imagination, I thought I shouldn't post this feeling in this blog. Kinda stupid and weird. But, well.. that's just part of me :p
Im just sorry for you for jumping into my nonsense right now.. really.. this is just my imagination after all...
I have lots of couple pictures in my head right now but I guess these pictures have shown what I want. So, when will it happens anyway? Lets see then. Im still single right now and have no couple pictures yet. It doesnt matter really. From now lets just leave those pics on the corner of my wish.
As an author told in her book said, 'to be and then to get'
Lets prepare.. prepare.. and maybe someone worth waiting would be came :)

By the way you can see these korean drama/movie pictures here


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